Shanghai Sinpar Scientific Instrument Co.,Ltd.
Octane Knock Engine Crankcase Inspection

Octane Knock Engine Crankcase Inspection

While an octane knock engine has been working for a long time, the inspections and checks for engine crankcase shall be performed regularly. The purpose is to ensure that the octane knock engine is in normal operating conditions and ready to make the octane test for next work cycles.

  • Turn off the electrical power circuits to the octane knock engine unit.
  • Drain the crankcase lubricating oil and clean the crankcase sump using a petroleum-based solvent.
  • Disassemble the oil suction screen assembly and clean the components.
  • Disassemble the crankcase breather body from the crankcase door and clean the internal passage and baffles.
  • Disassemble the connecting rod from the crankshaft. Inspect the big end bearing shells and replace if wear is indicated. Reassemble the connecting rod and torque the cap bolts.
  • Disassemble the valve lifters from the top of the crankcase, clean, inspect, and if necessary, replace worn assembly components.
  • Approximate the rear main bearing clearance by dial indicator measurement of the movement of the crankcase edge of the flywheel outer surface. Measure with the flywheel at rest and then with the flywheel lifted using an appropriate lever. If the difference in the measurements exceeds 0.15 mm (0.006 in.), crankcase rebuilding is recommended.
  • Disassemble the oil pressure control valve assembly, solvent clean, inspect for worn components, and replace as required.
  • Inspect the outer crankcase surfaces for indications of oil seal leakage which may require extensive maintenance or crankcase rebuilding.
octane knock engine inspections
SINPAR Octane knock engine crankcase inspection
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